Born Scrappy

S2E5: Everything you need to know to get the best out of ISRI 2024 with Jason Glei and Brianna Gianti

Jason Glei and Brianna Gianti Season 2 Episode 5

In today's episode, I chat to Jason Glei and Brianna Gianti to get the inside scoop on ISRI 2024!

Jason is is the VP of Marketing at ISRI and Brianna is their VP of Memberships.

If you want to make the most of ISRI this year, you're not going to want to miss this!

In todays episode we talk about:

  • The craziest sights at an ISRI event
  • What's new at this year's expo
  • What talks not to miss
  • Private parties
  • What to pack
  • And much more!


25 years in the metal recycling game and still learning and growing...

I learnt from the best and worked my way up from yard labourer to Executive Director of Trading and Operations for the largest metal recycler in sub-Saharan Africa. Responsible for 4,500 employees, 85 sites, and the overall profitability of a multi-billion dollar operation.

I brought my breadth and depth of knowledge to bear and co-founded the fastest growing, most-loved, and most awarded metal recycling company in New Zealand. No small feat in a country where people are outnumbered 4:1 by sheep (spoiler alert: sheep don’t produce much metal waste).

I thought it was time that tech worked for our industry, so I took all of my experience as an operator and trader and leveraged that to build THE killer scrap app, Buddy. That’s right - built for scrappies, by scrappies.

Father of two crazy-awesome boys. Husband to Lisa. Under 9 rugby coach. YPO member. Lifelong learner. Mentee. Mentor. Chief dog walker. Committed Stoic. Undefeated dance-off champion.


Hi, I'm Stu Kagan and welcome to Born Scrappy, the podcast for scrap metal exporters and traders. Join me in conversation with some of the most experienced traders and operators that have helped shape this incredible industry. In today's special episode, I'm joined by Jason Gley and Brianna Chianti from ISRI. With the ISRI convention in Vegas, just a few weeks away, I thought who better to get the inside scoop from than these two. In the episode today, we talk about what's new at the expo this year, Which talks we shouldn't miss, we get some packing tips, we find out about some private parties going down, the craziest things that they've seen at any ESRI convention, and so much more. So let's get into it and find out what we have to look forward to in Vegas. But first, intro.


Hey guys, I'm very excited. Hey Jason. Hey Brianna. How are you?


Doing great. How you doing, sir?


Yeah, I'm awesome. Hey, yeah. Nice to uh, nice to get together excited. I mean, let's just jump before we go anywhere. Let's just, I mean, this timing happens to be rebrand time. Like this has come out of nowhere. Nobody was talking about it. All of a sudden we're going to find out soon. It's not Isri anymore. You're obviously in this podcast, you know, stay listening everybody because Jason and Brianna are going to tell us the new name.




Spoiler alert. You all find out the name before the big event. No. So, um, so yeah, I want to, I want to get stuck into a bit about that, but. The focus today is going to be getting value from the Israel event. So not just Israel as a member, right? We all know that we can go on the website. We all know the massive value is rebrands in general, but we specifically going to talk about Vegas, 2024. And we're going to talk about the things that may be you as somebody who's gone before, haven't seen. And we're going to get some, hopefully some stories out of these guys and what they've seen. Um, and we really going to get into the heart of what that convention is all about. And, and if you haven't booked yet, hopefully at the end of this, I expect you might want to. So get hold of your travel agent. Um, now while you're still listening, cause by the end, you're probably going to be booking. So, well, now that I've built up these two, now that they have to tell us some really, really good stories, um, tell us briefly what it's like. Cause I don't think everybody knows what's a day in the life of an Israel employee. Like what do you guys get up to every day?


You never really know what's going to come down the pipeline. Sometimes, you know, we always have our best laid plans and, you know, I can go through the litany of my routine, if you will. But in all honesty, it's a very rare day when I get completely through it without being thrown a curveball. And it's just the nature of the beast and in all honesty, I think that's part of what I love. You know, as, as much as routine oriented as I am, I get bored without curve balls.


yeah, absolutely. You're a scrappy man.


that's really what it's about. I mean, um, whether it's, you know, pivoting because we have to, you know, do something different, an event pivot, because something happened in the news that is either good, bad, or indifferent, and we have to respond, you know, it changes every single day, which is fantastic.


Yeah, Brianna, you're the same or. Oh,


just like Jason said, no day is the same here at ISRI, uh, meaning no day is boring here at ISRI. Literally, um, from January 1st till Christmas Eve, you know, we're getting phone calls and emails on a fairly regular basis, probably an average day for me. I'm on the phone with members or non members at least 20 plus times. Probably a volume of about 50 emails plus a day asking all kinds of questions. excitement's around convention. So, whether it's just, can we still register? Are their hotels open? Um, or asking us more inside questions. What should I make sure I don't miss, et cetera. So this is very timely.


I'm normally the guy that's saying, um, my password isn't working. Um, or I can't log in and it's usually a user problem anyway. So, um, my wife slaps me across the head and like, well, let me jump in quickly and sort that out for you. And, uh, but yeah, so I'm sure you get heaps of that, but it's funny because I would have thought being a part of the association, it's more corporate, like it's kind of structured and there's like, I wake up and I do this, this, no, but actually you guys are dealing with curveballs all day. Yeah. Um,


know, we're a staff of 50 people that's servicing well over 16, 1700 companies worldwide. So you got it, you got to roll with it.


yeah, he's done exactly like a scrappy now. So let's get in, let's delve into the actual event. Somebody tell me. A cool story or something, or sum up how good this event is. Like I've done it many times on the show. I'll talk about the benefits I get. I had Matt Kripke, he spoke about, um, the benefits he got and meeting up with somebody that you didn't know that you could actually be in business with. Cause you thought maybe they were up yours or your opposition. Next thing you're doing, like, like you're having beers next to people that you wouldn't normally give me some stories you've heard from these things, um, or from these events.


will not be my last convention. Thank you But I can tell you emphatically that this is the most exciting 1 over. Of course, I joined in 2019 after convention that happened in 2019. we all know what happens in 2020. but in 2021 or 2022, I went to my 1st Las Vegas convention. It was awesome. I'll tell you the best story in a second. Um, and then 2023, we outdid that and had the biggest convention we've ever had historically. That by itself is so cool and so exciting to see so many new people. This year, numbers are trending that we're gonna beat last year and so on and so forth. So I think just alone, Knowing that even if you've been going to this for 20 plus years, you're probably going to run into somebody new, um, that you hadn't met before is exciting by itself. The coolest thing I heard that I can publicly share,


Yeah, yeah.


that I can publicly share with you all is, uh, last year I was at the convention, you know, getting set up before everybody rolls in. And I was talking to an equipment service provider. Um, I won't that will remain unnamed, who told me that before the show even started, they had sold over 5Million dollars in equipment. Um, not exaggerating, it might actually been a little bit more over 5Million dollars just because people knew they were going to be at the show. That's how powerful the show is. And I can tell you in 20 plus years. I haven't experienced that at other shows. Yep.


To kind of piggyback off that, you know, I'm on the show floor quite a bit, uh, you know, talking and working with the exhibitors. And, you know, my first full convention was 2022 in Las Vegas as well. And there were three exhibitors there who literally told me as they were packing up on Wednesday, I don't have to work for the rest of the year unless I want to. That's how much business they did in Nashville. It was 5 that told me that.


Yeah, that's huge. That's empty. And that's,


um, you know, it's, there's, there's something to be said when we say we're the, the, the largest gathering of recycling, you know, recycle materials professionals in the world. That you don't have a better opportunity to networking and get yourself set up for the rest of the year.


And, you know, as an exhibitor, that sounds really exciting, but let's just flip it on its head, right? Because you guys are sold out. So we're not here selling for exhibitors, right? So number one, if you want to exhibit, you better get in early, right? Because these guys sell out and for good reason. We just heard. Um, but now you can imagine all those people that bought these products and this equipment and these services. Yeah. Got value. So people arrived at the show and learnt about things that they didn't necessarily know was available, or they were able to negotiate prices in person, go for beers, build relationships, and then buy equipment, buy products, whatever it might be. And So the other end of the spectrum is, yep, these guys sold out for a year, or they did all the business that they need to for a year, but the other people that bought it found out new stuff, bought new things. And I bet you, if you spoke to them, they'll all talk about the incredible deals they got because they did it in person.




Absolutely, you know, 1 of the things that we hear constantly, um, to your points do is that because you're taking the time out of the office, if you will. So guards come down a little bit. Whether it's in a networking event and you've had a couple drinks or you're just feeling good and everybody's excited to be out of the office and just doing something different, right? And so the guards tend to drop a little bit. And when, and you'll find, you know, I think everybody knows when your guard drops a little bit, you're willing to have conversations that maybe you generally wouldn't have entertained before. And, uh, really cool things happen when you do that.


yeah, yeah, exactly. So, so what's new then at this year's event. So, um, we've all been to quite a few of them. What's going to happen in this event. That's going to be different other than the rebrand, right. Which has just been thrown at us lately. What's, what's new at this event.


Um, on the exhibit floor, we have the innovation podcasts. Stage, which you're taking part in, um, you know, we're going to have some really cool, uh, product and tech demonstrations and new things that are coming out from several different exhibitors. And we're also giving hopefully a larger audience to some of our, our podcasts that take place throughout the industry, you know, yours, uh, pile of scrap of John Sacco, uh, dumpster talks, coming from sod. Um, Brett Eckert scrap life, you know, because these are all voices that all of us have, you know, seen heard if you're paying attention to social media at all, at least from an industry relations standpoint. And we wanted to give them a little bit of a large audience to riff off of and potentially have some live audience interaction should be a lot of fun. Um, outside of that, also on the exhibit floor. The, uh, Virginia tech transportation department is going to be doing a huge demonstration on sharing the road safety. So we're actually going to have a full size truck on the show floor with cars around it. So, you can get in the truck, see blind spots experience and I have, there's a little classroom interaction. That's going to take place there too. They'll be running that about once an hour. It's only 20 minutes of your time. But we highly recommend folks go take advantage of that from a safety perspective.


Um, That's awesome.


And, um, of course, you know, we can talk about the 18th a little bit.


We'll go there. We'll get there. Trust me. I mean, that's going to be huge. And Brianna, did you want to jump in there? It looked like you wanted to


For sure. I mean, what Jason said I was gonna cover as well, but echoing what Jason said, the other two things, um, not necessarily new but sort of enhanced this year that I think are super exciting and, and kind of hidden secrets unless, you know within Isri. So now I'm letting the world know. Um. Is our 1st timers and new member event. It happens right before the exhibit hall party opens up. I can't recommend that enough, whether you are a 1st time member or, or, um. Or you're a veteran member, it is literally every year. Um, it keeps growing and growing and growing to the size that it's standing room only. Um, so it's an opportunity. For people that are even if you're the biggest extrovert on earth to come there, or if you're not to come there and here and meet members for the first time and non members, you know, people that are in your different commodities, et cetera, hear about some of the value and what their hidden secrets are for for the show, as well as hear about some ways to get more involved. And have a drink before before the big thing rolls out this year, we made room for over 500 folks. Um, and we expect that to be standing room only again. Um,


said that, um, it doesn't have to be your first event. I've always thought that that is purely for first time. As you have to prove this your first event and that's what it, are you saying that even if it isn't, you could still go to that? Hmm.


and veteran folks within the industry. So to me, what a great opportunity if I'm a veteran member of ISRI to come in and meet these new faces before they meet everybody else. What a great opportunity, uh, to get my business card over to them to talk about what I do before the whole show even really truly kicks off. very


I mean, there's that buildup, um, before the doors open, um, I've never known that you could go participate in the other events. So that's quite a good thing for people to know that get involved with all the new members pop into that event, um, and meet some new members as well. Really cool.


And we'll have beer and wine available. Um, so you can start your libations


Oh, no, now, no one's coming now. No, one's


before before the exhibit hall party kicked


this is where we draw the line here. So, um, I just want to touch on what Jason said. I think that that stage that you guys have put up for the first time. I'm really excited to see how it goes. Granted, I'm on it twice doing the, um, presentation. Born scrappy, um, podcast, as well as the buddy demo, the live demo for everybody to see, you know, what we're bringing into the world and launching it is really, but I think like, I think myself walking around the expo, yeah, you know, there's a lot to see, but if I know that certain things are on in the stage and I'm not having to leave the expo, I think that's really the secret here is that it's inside the hall, so you could be walking around and you kind of, you kind of. Meandering and it's like, oh shit. Okay. It's 1130. I'm going to go hear about something instead of having a demo at somebody's stand, I'm going to go actually and get in front of the stage and try and hear it, getting to hear, you know, John Brett and the guys do their podcast live and sitting in there and listening to the chat. Um, you know, you guys only hear the, everybody has the edited version. Now you're going to get to hear it live. And, um, you know, it's a. We get to hear the mistakes and, uh, when they tell jokes and it wasn't as PC as, and I have to go and edit it afterwards. Now it's live and you get to hear those. So, yeah, I think it's a great, I'm excited to see how that goes. I should say, I would think it's going to be incredible and it's going to be busy all the time. Um, but Hey, I mean, we'll see first time. Hopefully it's in every time. Yeah. Really cool.




what are the three talks? That we shouldn't miss. There's a lot of talks at the moment. It's probably fills up all my feeds is I'm speaking at Israel. I'm speaking at Israel, which is really cool. Like people are promoting that they're speaking and you have this wide array of talks, which is amazing. So something for everybody, no doubt, everybody will go to at least one talk or something's going to be like, wow, that resonates, right? Wow. I really want to hear so and so talk about such and such. So. What are the three you think that are the most exciting coming up?


For me personally, I'm really excited to hear Chris Voss at the close, his talks about negotiations and how he


that doesn't, that doesn't count because he's a professional




slash author.




the, the, the Israel, Israel run talks.


yeah, so there's 1 on Wednesday, the 17th called, and recyclers bridging the gap, um, that I, that it's going to be really interesting because we have some, uh, brands from the brands council coming in and, uh, talking with, uh, Some of the, some of the and the recyclers as well, because, uh, it's all about creating that that circle of material, right? From beginning to end and design for recycling. So, getting all those stakeholders talking the same language is really important if we're going to be successful about that. And so that was going to be fascinating, I think, and also, you know, I can't help, but give, give, give you a little plug, uh, Stu, you know, we got, uh, you're talking, you know, marketing above branding, um, you know, with Brett Eckert and, uh, Jennifer Betts, I'm curious to see what comes out of that


I'm just going to sit there, mate. I think they're going to do all the talking. Um, I'm just


with Brett and Jennifer, you


Yeah, it's going to be exciting. Well, mate, we're going to see, there's going to be a competition that who can say the most words. I mean, I hope somebody's there counting, but it's, uh, it's going to


part of why I want to go,


The one thing is it's like eight o'clock in the morning and it's in Vegas. So, um, I know some people are coming straight from the party, which is cool. Cause that's the kind of event I want to go to when everybody's, you know, wearing their sunglasses at eight o'clock in the morning in the crowd. Like that's what I might be wearing mine as well. So. Who knows what's going to go down if I come straight from the party. So yeah. Excited for that one as well.


Yeah, why not?


Brianna, you got anyone in mind?


Yeah, I should start speaking before Jason because he's taken away some of my excitement. I was literally going to say, you know, I was literally going to use the 8 o'clock in the morning and I'll give you 1 from each day. How about that? So, on the 16th, which happens to be my birthday, the 1 I'm most excited about is the century club back to the future. Um, for those that don't know, listening this podcast, that's a group of basically industry titans from Israel. Who have had a combination of 50 years or I'm sorry, 100 years as is remembers and or within the industry. It's kind of off the cuff. They tell their stories about experiences they've had, and it's a great time to hear these legends in the industry. Talk about what they've done and the lessons they've learned and how you can apply that today. Then on the 17th is obviously the one Jason referred to about you guys. I will be up there at eight in the morning with my sunglasses on, hearing every, hearing you guys all unhinged, you know, talking about, uh, marketing and branding, but really, truly It's a thing that we hear from membership often. It's a topic that's very, very timely. Members are curious how to market themselves, you know, how to rebrand themselves, et cetera. And then, of course, you know, on the last day, the unveiling of of our new brand. Um, which we'll get to later, yeah.


So, um, you know, you've been part of the announcement is rebranding and, you know, I know to some, actually, it might seem like it's come out of nowhere. But the truth of the matter is, this is this is this is 2 years in the making. It really is, and it started over 2 years ago with us as an industry investing and looking at the way that we speak and talk about ourselves and employing a firm to really do research on the language around our industry because we wanted to research and make sure that we got the language right before you just go to brand. Right? Um, knowing who you are and how to speak about yourself is vitally important to building that brand. And so. You know, going through the language lexicon project with the board was, you know, a 2 year process and this is just like the next step. Frankly, um,


we allowed to


so, you know, that.


if I, but if I get it right, it'll ruin everything. Right. It'll run him if I get it right. And your faces are like,




it's like, Whoa, that hold on. He just said it now. How do we pretend that that wasn't it? Maybe I shouldn't


I don't know. You want to play some


Yeah. Yeah. You'll be a cow. I'm worried about Brianna there. Yeah. Sorry. I jumped in carry on. Right. New


you know, um, that event on the 18th, uh, you know, that closing session is going to be the culmination of several years of work in revealing that new brand. Um, and then, you know, after that, there's going to be a celebratory luncheon and Um, that everybody can come to and, um, we're going to be, you know, that's going to be decked out the new stuff, new brand, um, so come to that. And of course, you know, there's the closing night uh, party at towel beach, which of course is going to be a blowout with, with the rebound. So don't


so when is this, let me just, I thought it was the, in the evening, we're announcing it. So you're actually announcing it on the morning of the 18th. Is that right


at the closing


the closing session, that's the morning. Then there's a luncheon with all brand new, um, uh, branding everywhere. It's going to look awesome. I'm sure you guys will do a great job there. And then obviously the massive party at the end. Cool. Good to know. Um, Very excited. I won't tell you what I think the name is, but I'm going to say that it includes recycled material. But anyway, um, let's carry on and what we were, where we were. So what mistakes do you think you've made previously? And how are you fixing that and repairing that and making that better this year? Maybe you've got some


mean for the event or do I need to get my wife in here?


Yeah, you're not going to repair it, mate. You're not going to be any better. I know that. Um, for the event, what do you get? Maybe you've got some constructive criticism. People like to give input that you think you've fixed that people can look out for and be aware of.


in all honesty, I mean, um, the innovation and podcasting stage is really a reaction to some of the feedback I was getting from exhibitors in terms of, you know, providing more visibility, if you will, for those that, you know, Um, so that was, you know, a reaction to that and something that we could do. 1 of the unique thing that things that happened in Nashville. Was there was a 4 year area outside the outside the exhibit hall of registration was, and it was this huge gathering place for literally everyone because there was there was so much ample seating. And it was really organic in the way that. Introductions meetings and business was being conducted. And so 1 of the pieces of feedback we got was, you know, all right, that was great. How do we recreate that? At every other convention,


so you want a


and so,


place for people to meet up? Yeah. Great.


and our space, our space at Mandalay Bay is amazing and wonderful, but it didn't it doesn't have it didn't have that same traffic flow. Right. That where it was going to naturally happen organically.




because it was more of a pastor. Right. But this year, because, because of the success that we had in Nashville, we were bringing in that comfy seating that that lounge, uh, you know, hey, set up shop here if you want and sit a while feel. Cool. Within that within that space, that was traditionally just a breeze through, you know, everybody just walks,


the outside area on your way in?






gonna be some cool stuff to look at and walk around. There's going to be some nice, comfortable, low seating. Um, another thing that we're going to have out there, that's really cool. We're doing a little bit of a celebration of our heritage and our history. And a part of that is an activation that's, it's called a photo mosaic. It's already live online now, if you look at the release we did, you can add pictures to it now, but the really cool part at convention is what you see online is going to be a physical installation. There that you can still take part in. So there's going to be staff there where you can scan a code, take a picture. It'll print right on site and you go place it on the mosaic, um, or they'll take a photo for you. You can add photos that are already on your phone if you want. So, it's, it's going to be a really cool interactive thing, um, uh,


cool. I really like that. Um, that for your idea, I know the area really well. I know you kind of step out of the expo and it's barren. It's like, there's nothing going on there. You either walk through Towards the restaurants or your room, and then you kind of start to lose everybody because it becomes other people in the area when you hit the restaurants and that. So to actually keep everybody, cause there's a big area, that's very, very clever. I think you're going to find that that's going to go down really well. People kind of want to get out of the expo every now and then and just kind of have a break and sit on a couch. It's a long, it's a couple of long days, um, huge value, but it's tiring to be able to go out there and sit on the couch and have a conversation with it's a great idea. Talking about tiring long days. How do you recommend we tackle the expo halls, there's a lot going on. I remember my first one is, I don't know, probably 15 years ago, 20 years ago. It's like you arrive and it's overwhelming, right? And then I'll never forget. Somebody said, just start on the one side and work all the way across and write down anybody you want to go back and see, and do that for day three. So is there a strategy you've seen work?


It kind of depends on the way you like to do things, but for me personally, um, you know, it's 1 of those things where. Either go onto the website, israel2024. org and check out the map and look at, look at who's going to be there or download the app, do the same thing. And I always like to mark out, okay, these are the, you know, 20 I know I got to see, right? Or I definitely want to go check out. And I kind of do that. That's kind of like day 1, right? I go do that. And then day two, I like to leave, you know, my meandering nature, if you will, my big picture nature. I go wonder if you will, and just go look at what's cool. Right. And have those conversations. So I kind of 1 structured day 1 unstructured day is the way I like


you're sleeping in because you're so hungover, Brianna, what's, uh, what do you recommend?


I think that what Jason said was great. I, I personally, even though I'm not a structured person, I like to do my research ahead of time. So, whether that's looking for vendors, exhibitors that have a product or service that I'm specifically looking for and identifying those, um, or even, you know, it identifies who the new ones are. So you can go, I'm not saying to not go see the vets obviously go see them as well. But what is this new cool thing that I've never seen before? That's never been exhibiting. That's a great 1 to to do as well.


Yeah, well, that means everybody's coming to me, so I'm really excited. Buddy, Stan 2222, can't forget that. But, um, but yeah, exactly. Absolutely. But what's interesting there is, and my story was exactly true. I arrived with no planning and it was like starting the one. And now with age, I've learned. Absolutely have a plan. Like I always have to travel far, whether it was from South Africa or from New Zealand. So on the plane, I'm literally writing a list of each day of who I have to see. And that evening I go through it. I'm like, just notes on all those people. And then I'm like, Oh shit, I didn't see such and such that person's top of my list. So as I arrived tomorrow, that's where I'm going. Because I promise you, if you haven't been before, you're not going to see half the cool stuff. Yeah. Like if you don't have a plan, you're arriving there, you're just walking up and down aisles. You don't have time to see the demos and to get this up, do your research, find out who you want to see, make sure to see them. And as Jason said, leave day two or day three for meandering and finding other cool stuff that you didn't even know was going to be there. Hmm. Okay. So we're all going to be in Vegas. Some of us haven't been there a lot. You guys have probably been there quite often. Give me some cool places to go to. Give me some, your top three dinner spots.


Gosh, I wish I remembered that there's a restaurant just inside the Aria. It's kind of an Asian fusion place. I wish I could remember the name of it, but it's an Asian fusion joint, really, really cool vibe at bars. I'm not I get a reservation, sit down at the table type person, especially when I'm traveling. It's just Some people, they're like, I have to have a reservation. I'm not that guy. So I'm the one who's like, who's got an open spot at the bar and I go belly up because, you know, obviously, I mean, as a former bartender, I like talking to the bartender and getting their suggestions as to what I




Yeah, I mean, I'm gonna give you, I'm a big foodie, so I'm gonna give you kind of three






looking for. Thank you.


Um, uh, I also enjoy sitting at bars as a, I was a former server. I guess they hire former servers and bartenders here at is now run departments. Um, but


to ISRI now if you have worked behind a bar as a server.


The 1, I'm most excited about is probably Peter Luger steakhouse. Um, for those that don't know what that is, it's probably 1 of the most popular steakhouses in the US currently in New York City, and they're opening up another




Yep, in, uh, I think it's in Caesars, um, they're


Palace. I am booked for Tuesday night. Yes, winning. I've done


I have not booked yet. So you've probably taken my reservations too. Um, but, uh, I'm, I'm gonna look now, cause I'm sure other people, after they hear this podcast, are also going to book there. Um, but kind of three others that fall into the, All kinds of zone. There's one called Brezza. Um, that's a James Beard award, former James Beard award winner, Italian place. Awesome on the strip. There's a Kaiseki Yuka. That's another James Beard award winner. That's an omakase restaurant. So if you're looking for a great Asian experience, that would be one. And then if you're looking for no thrills and you're not just going to follow Jason to whatever bar. He's going to, uh, there's something called No Pants at Absinthe. I don't know if any of you have ever heard of this, done this. It's basically a food truck outside of a show, outside of a tent that puts on a show. Um, but arguably this is the best burger that you'll have in Las Vegas. By lots of people's accounts, not just my own. It's a pretzel burger with brisket, a blend, and caramelized. It's so damn good. So if you miss out on the reservations to Peter Luger, head over there, sit by


the name again. Something about taking your pants off and drinking absinthe. What was


is correct. It says no, it's called No Pants in Absinthe.


there's a show, there's a show kind of in a tent looking or thing right outside of Cesar called Absinthe. And the, the, this food truck is called No Pants. The burger is


Oh my God. Uh, it sounds, it sounds amazing. I will be there. And if it's good, if I go there first day and it's good, you'll probably see me every day. I'm that kind of guy. So that's, that's really cool. Okay. Great information. Thank you, Brianna, for bringing the foodie level to the show. And that's what we're all about. Jason let us down a little bit there, but maybe he'll make up for it in the next few questions. This is definitely Jason's game. So tell me a little bit about your guilty pleasures in Vegas, but keep it above board.


That's easy, man. Craps.


Craps. Is that your game?


love craps. I already, I already told, I already told the rest of the staff, if anybody wants a lesson, just follow me one evening and I'll teach you, I'll, I'll teach you.


You'll teach us how to lose money. You're too good to


Well, yeah, absolutely. But no, you know, it's funny, a lot of people find the craps table intimidating. Uh, but it's actually, it's, it's, it's so much fun.


Uh, besides old Las Vegas, which I absolutely love if I have a chance to get down there, I will be down there watching the shenanigans unfold out there. Um, I am actually a slot person, which everybody goes. Oh, slots. I have a strategy. I win every single time. I'll share it with the world. Go to a slot machine near an entrance or an exit so that I believe, I don't know if this is fact, that there are more winning slot machines. Um, go to one with bonuses and play the max bets. I basically never lose, I lose a little bit, but ultimately end, end at the end, uh, on top every single time I play the slot machines.


Okay, we want an update at the end of this event to know exactly what both of you won or lost at craps, and I will post it on social media at craps and in slots. Okay, uh, mine, mine would be sports betting. So I don't have to go to Vegas for that. Um, I had Isn't there a poker game as well? Yeah. Is,


Oh yeah, absolutely. Um, you can talk to the, if you, if you're walking around and you see, see anybody from, from Kripke, they'll tell you all about it.


is it, is it like, is it an invite only or,


Yeah, I'm fairly certain it is. I know the guys that were Kripke put on a, uh, an annual poker tournament. I do believe it is invite only. Um, but just like that, you know, there's all kinds of what we call a secret and invite only events going on throughout


let's go there. Tell me what are the secret events, mate? What's going down? What don't the regular folk like me know about?


well, I'll just say this, so I can't go into specifics because they aren't official Israel events. But what I, what I can tell you, it's your best bet when you're walking around the expo hall when you're talking to vendors, ask them what they got going on Wednesday night.


Right. Wednesday night. So that's where it's at.


Because Tuesday night, we got our Israel after hours party going on at beer park. And then of course, Thursday evening, you know, we got the towel beach going on Wednesday, uh, at our convention is classically one that we purposefully leave open because we know our partners, exhibitors, vendors, all have their own little things they want to do. Right and execute, um, and so we make sure we try to dedicate an evening to where they can. Have at it, if you will, uh, without interrupting any, uh, is reprogramming and but so Wednesday night's it and, um, while I can't give specifics on who's doing what. I can tell you when you're walking around the exhibit hall floor, just ask people what they're doing Wednesday night.


Um, I'm going to be doing that with everybody. Now, people are going to think I'm that weirdo. And it's like, what are you doing Wednesday night? What are you doing Wednesday night? What are you doing Wednesday night?


It's the worst kept secret at our, at our convention, though. I mean, nobody's going to shy away from telling you


Well, I know of some cool rock and roll parties in penthouses, which I've been told about,


you go.


I plan to attend. So, um, I think those are going to be quite, quite fun as well. But yeah, there's definitely an underground, there's definitely private parties and things like that. And I think if you just go and ask the questions, Jason's right. If you go and ask the right people, the right questions, um, you'll get invited to those. So that's, yeah, that's, that's something to look forward to. What, essential should people be packing other than the regular hangover cures.




Comfortable shoes.


number 1, 2, 3,


true. My heels give me such blisters.




I mean, yes, they add an extra foot on, so I look like a normal human size, but the blisters I have at the end of the event. I'll just kill


Do I need pictures?


Coming your way bro mid journey. Um, so shoes. Yeah. Great


but, but to that point. Anybody who's been to Vegas knows you go into the casinos there. It's a cave. You're in a cavern. Right? So, 1 of the things that we even recommend to staff is, you know. When you walk over to the convention area from the hotel, particularly mentally Bay, there is a path that you can take from the hotel area that bypasses the casino and takes you outside along the beach and the pool area. So you can, you can kind of walk the beach and it's really pretty. It's really nice. And you get your sunshine and your vitamin D, which let's face it when you're in Vegas, you don't get a lot of so, uh, doing that in the morning when you're walking to and in the afternoon, if you're walking your way back or anytime you have to go back and forth, it's an opportunity to walk outside, get outside, do it


Yeah, it's a great tip. I'll be getting my IV drip full of vitamins the week before. I think I posted it a few weeks ago. I see John's also doing it, John Sacco. I think, um, if you're not doing that prior to Vegas, um, expect to be pretty worn down by the end of it.


that and stay hydrated.


hydrated. absolutely. beer is a good hydration, right? Or tequila, which one do you recommend?


I'm a tequila man myself. Uh, you know, a water back is always


Yeah, beautiful. Okay. Let's talk about merch at what awesome merch and by merch, I'm talking about merchandise, free gifts, things that people hand out there. What cool things have you seen over the years and what are we expecting to get this year?


You guys on the exhibit hall never failed to amaze me in some way, shape or form. Frankly, I always find something that I never would have thought of before. You know, um, you know, 1 of the coolest things I saw last year was, you know. Laforte made this stuffed, you know, uh, mobile


Bella. Yeah,


um, which, which my son loves. I mean, there's a little bit of everything. I mean, there's, you can get some really cool knives. Uh, frankly that the people give out. So if you're into blades, look around, there's going to be quite a few of those. Um, you know, Brianna, what, what do you got?


I, I love the wearable things. Um, I think last year and it's, I usually see them themes towards where we're at. So I don't know what it's going to be in in Vegas this year, but last year in Nashville, I think it was Senebogen had cowboy hats. That I wear sometimes on my weekends here still, uh, you know, it's a wild night, um, et cetera, but I love hats in general. So, whatever the type of hat is. Like, you guys are wearing, if anybody's given those away out, I will collect them and wear them in my personal life on a regular basis.




That's true. I always replenish my hat collection. Cause as a follically challenged, uh, person, hats are good and I always replenish my stash when I convention every year with all the vendors and sponsors that, uh, cause you know, I like to You know, show them off.




And, you know, not not to push it 1 more time, but I'm going to come to the Thursday luncheon and get your free. Uh, rebranded rebranded things, there's going to be some really cool things. Our follow the challenge fellow is the 1 helping to produce and make up some of those things. So there's going to be some cool stuff. They're definitely come


yeah. That's cool. There'll be new merch, uh, with the new branding. That'll be awesome. yeah, that Baylor is just classic. Okay. My kid has it as well. Sleeps with it. Um, he's had it for years now. Absolutely. Great, great, great match. Love it. Um, what's the craziest thing you've seen at one of these conventions? You don't have to be PC.


So I think I did not see this, but it's the craziest story from Israel convention and most people who are there, like, they'll know what I'm talking about. So I guess, you know, pre me, um, Hillary Clinton was a speaker at an Israel convention and somebody. Actually got up and threw a shoe at her.


I was, I was going to say this isn't going to go well.


And a member of our staff actually apprehended this person, so


Oh, it's so boring. We got Christmas. Nobody's going to throw anything at him. Oh,




Classic. Anything else on your side, Brianna, you can't beat that. Yeah.


No, I mean, but what happens, I'm the vice president of membership. So what happens with my members stays in my vault. Uh, what happens at the Israel convention stays at the Israel convention, but I will say, if you sit at 1 of the bars,


Yeah, you'll hear


walking to and from, uh, in between the day and dinner. You will see something certainly late at night. You will definitely see some things. So I recommend just people watching a bit during that end of the night in the casino,


if you're, if you're an introvert.


Mmm, sit and


a corner of a bar. You don't have to talk to anyone. You'll be entertained all night.


Yeah, eventually Jason Clay will walk out and crawl out on all fours out of some cave and you can have that. Make sure to take photos and put it on social media as soon as you see it. Okay, guys.


I got another


Oh, yeah.


2 actually. Um, so he does a fun run early in the morning. I don't participate in it. I, I am still sleeping off the night before typically, but we do have a lot of members and staff who participate in it and we give away shirts. That are neon, at least in the past for neon yellow


I remember this.


say, fun. Run. I forgot when the last Israel convention, what other thing in the world was happening, but some big sporting thing was happening that a lot of people were also in Las Vegas for. And the next day I saw this just very intoxicated woman running around with the is refund run shirt on that had definitely is not an is remember scrappy, et cetera. Uh, just yelling. I love recycling. And I apparently found out later that she was very intoxicated in the morning still from her night before and asked a member to take it off of his body and he gave it to her and she's running around


Letting all man, sweating all.


So it's actually good to arrive early in the morning for my talk because you're going to see some wild things from the night before still coming out of the caves.


Oh, absolutely.


Yeah, I love it. Okay, guys, we're running out of time. This has been really exciting. I'm now looking forward to it even more. But before we go, let's just get to know you a little bit better. Um, we do this after every episode. So the both of you, do you guys have a favorite TV series or a favorite movie you want to share with us?


Um, PE blinders on Netflix. Love it.




Breaking bad




classic all time that show.


Awesome. Um, favorite places to visit?


I think places that people haven't gone to traditionally, I think the coolest place I've been to that isn't like standard is San Sebastian,


Love it. Love




Best food in the world.


That's right. Beautiful beaches.


my God. Amazing. Amazing. If you haven't been, get to San Sebastian. Agreed. Great one. Best I've ever had. And as in best, best location it's ever been said on the podcast, Jason.




Mine. Um, Andros Island, Bahamas.




nothing there.


Yeah, Sounds amazing. Favorite book. Do you guys read, can you guys read? I'm just still learning. I'm still learning. That's why I'm asking.


Um, book called, uh, the five second rule.


Very cool. I think I've read it might have been


very Jason to pick that book. I have a lot, but maybe the portrait picture of Dorian gray, probably up there. Lolita, I really love that book. A whole ton of books.


All right to end last one, do you have a favorite quote?


Yes, me first. Jason, this one, uh, strong storms make trees take deeper roots. Um,


listening from the beginning, um, you've probably picked up some element of what's going to go down in Vegas that probably, um, tickles your fancy a little bit. So, um, looking forward to seeing everybody, looking forward to seeing you guys. Thanks so much for being on the show guys. Okay.


Thanks a lot, Stu.

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